Inaugurated on 1 July 2000 , the Museum is a private structure, born from an idea of ​​its owner, Rag. Salvatore Mirabile.
Since he was a boy, he was fond of folkloric songs of his land (in fact right inside the museum we find a collection of known Sicilian songs and others composed by the same), when he sang in public he made use of a scenography made up of ancient objects.
From there, the search for objects of the past that reminded and recall our peasant traditions, as well as the arts and crafts, starts.
Open Saturday and Sunday: 10am to 1pm
All other days:
from 18 to 20
Tel: +39 0923 998485
C.da Fossarunza n 198
Free admission

The Museum houses eight magnificent Flemish tapestries , donated to the Mother Church in 1589 by Mons. Antonio Lombardo who probably received them as a gift from the Queen of Spain .
The tapestries were made with an elegant intertwining of finely colored wool and silk threads, with a vertical wool warp, by the Brussels tapestry maker Cornelis Tons, active between 1550 and 1575, on cartoons by the Flemish painter Peter De Kempeneer who worked in Italy following Polidoro da Caravaggio.
Inside frames adorned with flowers, fruit and allegorical figures, they depict eight scenes from the Judeo-Roman war for the conquest of Jerusalem , fought by Vespasian and his son Tito, as described by Josephus in De bello Judaico.
Open Tuesday to Sunday from 09 to 13
Tel: +39 0923 711327
Ticket Euro 4.00 adults
Ticket Euro 2.00 students
Baglio Anselmi is now the seat of the Regional Archaeological Museum but until the last century it was used as a wine factory. It is part of the Archaeological Park of Lilibeo.
In 1986 it was chosen for the display and conservation of the wreck of the Punic ship and the numerous archaeological finds dating from the 2nd and 1st century BC to the 1st century AD, and an extraordinary collection of amphorae that indicate the flourishing commercial activity in this sea.
PDF guide - download
Open Tuesday to Sunday from 09 to 18.30
Tel: +39 0923 952535
Boeo promenade
Full ticket € 4.00
Reduced ticket € 2.00

On display are period prints , original documents, paintings and portraits, uniforms and uniforms, weapons and sabers, along with pin revolvers, rifles and bayonets, photos, medals, red shirts, and a rich iconography relating to the enterprise of the Thousand , in addition to the famous damask armchair on which it seems that Garibaldi rested after landing.
The Museum also houses a section of minerals and fossils, and a collection of old postcards and vintage photos, as well as works by contemporary painters born here, such as Antonio Sicurezza and Zacarias Cerezo , a Spanish watercolorist.
Open Tuesday to Saturday from 09 to 13.30
from 16 to 20
Tel: +39 0923 993181
Via L. Anselmi Correale
Free admission
The “G. Whitaker ”, located in the Palazzina built by Giuseppe Whitaker on the island of Mozia as a country house, houses finds coming mostly from the ancient Phoenician city of Mozia.
Visitors will find a room dedicated entirely to teaching: a model of the island of Mozia with an indication of the archaeological areas and numerous illustrated panels concerning the history of the Phoenicians and their civilization.
Island of Mozia ticket office
The island of Mozia can be reached from two landing stages:
Open every day
from 09 to 15
Tel: +39 347 6551666
Island of Mozia
Ticket Euro 6.00 adults
Ticket Euro 5.00 students

The Convent, which is by far the oldest religious monument in Marsala , has undergone various renovations over the centuries that have altered its appearance.
The Convent, which today houses the Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and houses works by great contemporary masters, preserves architectural traces from the fourteenth to the nineteenth. Interesting is the internal cloister, from the 18th century, which underwent alterations in the 19th.
The current layout is from the late sixteenth century, while the internal decorations and ornaments, made with stuccos and frescoes, are from the Baroque period.
Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10 to 13 and
from 18 to 20
Tel: +39 0923 713822
Piazza del Carmine
Free admission