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Mulino a vento Stagnone

Lo Stagnone Lagoon

It seems that sunsets that are more beautiful than those staged in these parts are difficult to find.


It may be for the ancient mills that upholster the territory or for the large piles of salt that look like pyramids and sprout, white and blinding, among the pink waters of the lagoon or, again, for the atmosphere that lights up when the sun goes down and paints brush strokes in strong colors, between bright orange and deep purple.

Laguna dello Stagnone Mozia

What to do inside the lagoon

Saline della Laguna

Riserva Naturale Orientata Isole dello Stagnone

Small and important microcosm where the waters are warm, low and placid and there is a brackish habitat that acts as an incubator for rare and precious fauna and flora species.


The main ingredient of such beauty is the lagoon formed because the large stretch of sea in front of it is almost completely closed by the Isola Grande, or Isola Lunga, an imposing natural breakwater that separates the gulf from the open sea, in the waters of which they meet art, history, culture and nature, offered, with silent generosity, to travelers who find themselves passing through these parts.

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